Nashua River Communities Resilient Lands Project

Clinton and Bolton, MA

Launched in September 2021, The Nashua River Communities Resilient Lands Management Project (or “Nashua River Project”) invited residents and other local stakeholders in the Nashua River watershed communities of Clinton and Bolton, MA, to shape the future of how forests and open spaces are maintained, accessed, used, and transformed. Linnean facilitated the community-based collaboration among a diverse set of stakeholders to create a set of “care guides” for regenerative care of forests, lawns, and open spaces. The highly involved stakeholder groups included town staff, state agency staff, individual land owners, Indigenous Cultural Stewards, multiple members of the Spanish speaking communities in the towns, and youth representatives.

Linnean and BSC also led the development of regulatory prioritization tools for implementing climate-smart development and wetland bylaws and strategies that respond to the climate emergency. These tools identified opportunities for local regulations to better support climate resilience through: reducing carbon emissions, increasing carbon sequestration, encouraging sustainable and equitable development, and strengthening ecosystems while engaging whole communities in creating climate solutions.


Clippership Wharf Development (LEED Consulting)


311 Summer Street Resilience Assessment